Your kitchen exhaust system works by combining fans ducts and hoods to move cooking fumes out of the building through ductwork. Commercial kitchens need kitchen exhaust systems to improve indoor air quality and prevent fire risks.

The primary reason exhaust systems stop working is from too much grease buildup. Ducts and fans fill up with grease which creates a serious fire threat.

Maintaining the Hood
The kitchen exhaust hood captures smoke and heat from cooking to prevent grease buildup fires in your space. Your exhaust system needs proper maintenance following NFPA 96 standards to work at its best.

Hoods used in commercial settings have metal mesh filters to trap grease particles which reduces fire risk in the ductwork and keeps air flowing smoothly. You should clean your removable filters regularly because when they get blocked they stop letting air through.

A clean hood system lets the fan run better and keeps food particles from reaching employees while making the air safer to breathe and saving money on energy bills. Periodic checks save money on future equipment repair and replacement costs.

Cleaning the Ductwork
The kitchen exhaust system moves cooking equipment smoke, heat and grease out of the building through its ductwork. You need to control ventilation systems and take fire safety measures when working with flammable grease. Thoroughly cleaned kitchen exhaust hoods and ducts remove dangerous grease buildup to stop fires from starting in buildings.

A food service business needs efficient kitchen exhaust systems to lower fire risks while safeguarding employees and customers plus saving energy.

Before starting kitchen exhaust ductwork cleaning you need to disable the fan power and controls then put on safe workwear and gather cleaning tools including a brush set. Consult an engineer about regular inspection access.

Inspecting the Fan
Kitchen exhaust systems must stay effective because inspectors monitor them carefully. Inspectors check for all required equipment parts plus any leaks or loose connections to maintain proper ventilation and fire protection.

Fans help buildings release smoke, heat and bad smells especially when used in Type I hoods over cooking equipment that produces grease and flames. Inspectors verify if the hood points directly at cooking tools before they examine and clean baffle filters to keep the space sanitary while also measuring make-up air intake to match exhaust airflow.

By following these procedures restaurants can prevent penalties from FDNY. Our staff will work better in a safer kitchen space when exhaust inspections happen regularly since most insurance policies block protection when companies ignore essential maintenance practices.

Cleaning the Light Covers
Kitchen exhaust fans stand as unsightly features because they usually take up the whole space of a wall with their bulky design. To keep the exhaust fans working well and looking nice in kitchens they need regular maintenance to stop grime buildup. Unmaintained exhaust fans will both look worse and work less effectively over time.

A well-designed hood works to move dirty air from the kitchen space into its exhaust system. Inside the hood you will find baffle filters which trap grease vapor to protect the ductwork and help the fan remove more kitchen air from the room.

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